Special Education
Teachers and Parents

Become a
Master IEP Coach® 

to help yourself and others at the IEP table

Inside your Mentorship, you’ll join Catherine Whitcher, founder of Master IEP Coach®, to learn Master IEP Coach® Methods, access done-for-you IEP Guidebooks and Assessment Tools, immerse yourself in live group coaching, and participate in 30 days of private coaching sessions to help you grow as a leader at the IEP table.

Become a Master IEP Coach® this Summer!

Can you imagine...

Cutting your IEP prep by 50%

No matter your role at the IEP table, you're spending too many hours to get ready for the big meeting day. 

Hearing "YES!" at the IEP table more often

Staff shortages are real. Inclusion plans are complicated. And making progress on all the IEP goals is tough. You need solutions - yesterday. 

Being so good at IEPs that you get paid to help others

You'll learn all things Master IEP Coach® to use at your own IEP table and... you'll learn options to make money with your new expertise!

Inside the Master IEP Coach® Summer Mentorship,
I'll show you... 


Escape from disappointing IEP meetings and experience a combo platter of collaboration.


Bust away from old-fashioned IEP goals forever and finally build IEPs that make sense for a child's future.


Get even the most stubborn IEP team members on board with following the IEP!


What You'll Experience Inside Your 
Master IEP Coach® Summer Mentorship 

with Catherine Whitcher, M.Ed

🪞Your IEP Makeover

Make your IEP meetings feel like a think tank of brilliant ideas, so even the team members who want to say "no" end up saying "yes!"

  • Get your own IEP Scorecard™ and IEP Development Wheel™ to use at your own IEP table and to help others! Stop wondering what's missing from the IEP.

  • Learn 13 rookie mistakes at the IEP table, (that even veterans make) one of which might have cost me my entire career

  • Utilize a critical communication strategy that I’ve always done - but most people don’t (which is why you feel defeated)

  • Avoid one huge blunder before every IEP meeting (sadly, I’ve made this mistake)

✌🏻Critical Conflict Resolution

The clock is ticking the minute everyone walks into the IEP meeting room. Every second counts and you don't have time to argue.

  • Which negotiation strategies get you a “heck yes!” instead of a “heck no” at the IEP table

  • Stop the blame game and know exactly who is supposed to do what. (Hint: Teachers are NOT in charge of everything!)

  • “That’s a wrap, I’m done.” When to call it a day on pushing through a “no” at the IEP table (and how to get what you want anyway)

  • 3 easy ways to rebuild trust between home and school

🎯IEP Goals and Services

Even with a staff shortage crisis, a child is never limited to counting pennies for money goals and a few overcrowded speech therapy sessions. 

  • One crucial action you should take at least 6 months before an IEP meeting (or ASAP, if that ship has sailed)

  • How to avoid an instant NO when you know a child needs more support.

  • The “Real World” test for knowing if you’ve got the right IEP goals or should go back to the drawing board while you still can

  • Learn to stretch district resources without overwhelming staff and see more progress than you ever imagined!

📌Picking Perfect Placements 

Forget about feeling stuck between choosing classrooms A and B. You've got an option you don't even know about!

  • The most important email to send before an IEP meeting (about placement) that most people skip
  • Avoid this go-to “inclusion strategy” that backfires every time

  • Learn how to design placement for ESY services and how to get around the false statement that ESY is only for regression

Your Summer  2024 Bonuses

Enroll By July 31st to Get All This!

Bonus #1

💵Want to get paid to help others with IEPs? 

 Fill Your Calendar with Clients

  • The fluke that caused my calendar to be full with IEP Coaching clients (year after year) - and how you can replicate it

  • One hidden hurdle you must overcome to make your IEP coaching business a success (don’t do this and you will tank)

  • Learn why your clients don't care about a fancy website and how you can build your business on a shoestring budget with a few clicks.

Learn All the Ways to Get Paid

  • The best advice I got - and the worst! (When I was starting my own business to help parents through the IEP process.)

  • An unfiltered tour behind-the-scenes of my business - plus 2 mistakes I had to course-correct, and one I should have

  • Three ways Master IEP Coaches® get paid (all are possible in the first 90 days!)

*If you don't want to start your own business, you'll ignore this bonus and get massive results by staying focused on your own IEP table. If you choose to work as a Master IEP Coach® you work for yourself, you do not work for Catherine or Master IEP Coach®.

Value $497

Bonus #2

🔥IEP Q&A Dropped Every Month! 

Your Mentorship includes access to an IEP Q&A dropped every month. You submit questions anytime and Catherine picks the most burning questions each month, records the answers, and drops them in your Master IEP Coach® library for everyone to get the answers. This is one more fantastic way for you to get the IEP answers you need without ever logging into Zoom!

Value $997/yr

Bonus #3

☕️Call Yourself a Master IEP Coach®!

Join thousands parents and teachers who have become Master IEP Coaches® at their own IEP tables! Once you complete your bonus self-paced Mentorship modules, you'll download your certificate and know you've hit the next level of IEP success! You can binge the lessons and complete it in a weekend or take your time!

Value $497

Bonus #4

📚Book Study Masterclass - From Emotions to Advocacy

Catherine is not a lawyer and does not give legal advice, however she will show you exactly how she has used the classic law and advocacy book from Wrightslaw, From Emotions to Advocacy, to help parents, teachers, admins, and therapists, build AH-MAZING IEPS that go waaaay beyond "just being compliant". 

Value $197

🌴Bonus #5

$500 Voucher for Master IEP Coach® VIP Retreat

Join us October 12th - 13th in Tampa, FL for our annual Master IEP Coach® VIP IEP Retreat! Get surrounded by fellow Master IEP Coaches® to build your business or problem solve IEPs with Master IEP Coach® experts from around the country. *This is a small mastermind event. There is still a registration fee, but you will receive $500 off the general registration. 

Value $500

Complete on Your Schedule

30 Days 1:1 Support via Text

 Certificate of Completion

Lifetime Access
and Updates

This works with your busy schedule - 

30 Days of 1:1 Coaching 

For 30 days you'll be in a private text/voice chat with just you and Catherine.  You'll be able to ask all the questions that pop into your mind while devouring strategies on your journey to become a Master IEP Coach.

Monthly IEP Q&A

Every month, you can submit IEP questions. Catherine picks the most burning questions of the month, records answers in detail, and drops the recording in your library for everyone to learn! (On your own schedule, of course.)

Go at Your Own Pace 

Whether you're driving kids to camp, teaching ESY, or simply can't get a moment to yourself until the wee hours of the night, you'll be able to access 100% of your Master IEP Coach® mentorship on your schedule!


You'll Be 100% Supported, Guaranteed

This is NOT a digital course that will collect dust on your laptop. You're enrolling in a true mentorship with direct access to Catherine Whitcher, M.Ed for your first 30 days.  You'll get a library full of online resources you can keep for a lifetime, including annual updates!

Summer 2024 Master IEP Coach® Mentorship


Must Enroll By July 31st


  • Self- Paced Master IEP Coach® Certificate Program ($997 value)
  • 30 Day Access to Private 1:1 Coaching ($497 value) 
  • Ongoing Monthly IEP Q&A ($997/yr value)
  • Book Study Masterclass - From Emotions to Advocacy ($197 value)
  • Guidebooks and Assessment Tools ($397 value)
  • Master IEP Coach® Business Starter Kit ($497 value)
  • Lifetime Access to Replays + Updates Included ($497/yr value)
  • VIP IEP Retreat Voucher ($500 Value)
  • Master IEP Coach® Swag Care Package ($195 value)

90 Day Program Value: $4774
Ongoing Yearly Value: $1494 

Enroll today for a ONE TIME payment of $795

Enroll Now

Start for $97, Get the Payment Plan Here

Frequently Asked Questions


“My daughter's IEP team was so impressed"

"My daughter's IEP meeting was yesterday two little changes you taught me impressed my daughter's team so much. The team was so happy that I knew these strategies for making my daughter's IEP better!"

- Orenza, Parent

I wish my college program had taught me this.

"Catherine is teaching us the things that colleges should've taught us before we even sat at an IEP table."

Molly, Special Education Teacher

As a veteran teacher, I LOVE the strategies!  

I've got 25 years of experience and this program has me invigorated and excited to get back to work and build IEPs in a whole new way!

Christina, Special Education Teacher 


I found missing pieces in my son's IEP 

I LOVE the IEP Development Assessment Wheel™! As a parent, I found missing pieces that I know we talked about or should've talked about during the meeting. Because of the strategies you taught me, we are fixing the broken pieces collaboratively and quickly.

Leah, Parent 

Your Master IEP Coach® Mentorship is different.


Not a Boring Class

You're used to logging in, skipping to your favorite lessons, and maybe retaining some new skills that you might use one day. Instead, you'll be coached exactly how to complete your Master IEP Coach® Mentorship and have direct access to Catherine for 30 days. 


Not a Group

Forget scrolling through drama, rants, and complaints from negative Nancys. You don't need strangers' opinions about your IEP decisions. You can stay focused on you, your Master IEP Coach® journey, and receive personal 1:1 support from Catherine for 30 days.


Not IEP 101

 I'm giving you an entire trademarked and tested Master IEP Coach® library to make your life at the IEP table easier. You'll be focused on IEP leadership and advanced strategies, not basic IEP 101 strategies you can Google.

I Love Swapping 'Oh No' into 'Oh WOW'!

In case we haven't bumped into each other before, I'm Catherine Whitcher, M.Ed, founder of the Master IEP Coach® Mentorship. I've been in the disability community just about my whole life. I'm the big sis to a handsome guy, who has Down syndrome and his IEP meetings were my first taste of the IEP rollercoaster from the family-reserved front row.

I had a dream and a plan to shake things up in Special Education as a teacher and I did that for a few years, but - I found myself working late nights helping parents through the IEP system after a full day in the classroom. 

After attending an IEP meeting with a parent (that went AH-MAZING after super big struggles in the beginning) an Admin chased me into the parking lot asking me to train her staff to build IEPs with ease, I was hooked on helping teachers, too.

I've been fixing IEPs since 1996 and I can't wait to give you ALL my secret sauces and strategies so you can fix IEPs, too!


“Breaking old school habits in Special Education is necessary. Showing parents and teachers how to break the habits together... makes it possible.”

Catherine Whitcher, Master IEP Coach® Founder

🎉 One More FAST TRACK Surprise...
A Celebration Care Package
Sent to your door!

  • Trademarked T-Shirt - If you see someone wearing this shirt, you know they're one of us! We can't wait to see how you style your Master IEP Coach® t-shirt for your next IEP prep session!
  • Hoglet, Sensory Computer Mouse - Get sneaky sensory input while clicking while lighting up the chat box during our live coaching sessions!
  • Time Timer® - Stay on track while developing your new strategies and habits with your own visual timer!
  • Calm Strips® - Add a calming texture to your laptop, travel mug, or notebook. Just swipe on the go and remind yourself to breathe - you got this!
  • Door Guardian - Easy to install door safety solution to keep everyone inside without unexpected escapes.
$195 Value

The Master IEP Coach®
Mentorship is for you if...

  • You're a parent, teacher, admin or therapist who sits at an IEP table  
  • You refuse to get involved in IEP drama
  • You love simple strategies that get phenomenal results
  • You'd love to consider (and get started!) getting paid to help parents through the IEP process.

The Master IEP Coach®
Mentorship is not for you if...

  • You thrive in conflict at the IEP table and stay up late at night dreaming of ways to bring surprises to the IEP table
  • You believe nothing can or will change unless you bring legal threats to the school district
  • You're not willing to try to do IEPs differently
  • You'll never trust the "other side" of the IEP table

Kind words from Master IEP Coaches®...

"This program was life changing"

"A whole new perspective even in the most difficult situations."

"It will exceed your expectations"


Years of


Families and Teachers Helped


Access to Replays and Updates




"I couldn't be more grateful"

"Best decision I ever made!"

"It's official: I have received my first paying client!"

"I was so nervous... but, everything was clear and concise plus so many downloads!"

"I'm so excited to be collaborating with a diverse group of parents and professionals. Thank you for bringing everyone together!"

"I love being part of the mentorship. It was the best decision I've ever made!"

"Her views and ideas are extraordinary and I am so blessed to have Catherine's support on my journey."

"Absolutely join the Mentorship! You will not regret it one bit."

"Best investment I've ever made!"


© Master IEP Coach® and Catherine Whitcher, LLC  |  Privacy Policy & Terms of Use