FREE IEP Training for Special Education Teachers and Parents


Can you imagine...

Cutting your IEP prep by 50%

No matter your role at the IEP table, you're spending too many hours to get ready for the big meeting day. 

Hearing "YES!" at the IEP table more often

Staff shortages are real. Inclusion plans are complicated. And making progress on all the IEP goals is tough. You need solutions - yesterday. 

Being so good at IEPs that you get paid to help others

You'll learn options to make money with your IEP expertise!

 Join me July 16th at 12pm EST and yes... there will be a replay!

Yes! I Want This!


I Love Swapping 'Oh No' into 'Oh WOW' at the IEP table!

In case we haven't bumped into each other before, I'm Catherine Whitcher, M.Ed, founder of the Master IEP Coach® Mentorship. I've been in the disability community just about my whole life. I'm the big sis to a handsome guy, who has Down syndrome and his IEP meetings were my first taste of the IEP rollercoaster from the family-reserved front row.

I had a dream and a plan to shake things up in Special Education as a teacher and I did that for a few years, but - I found myself working late nights helping parents through the IEP system after a full day in the classroom. 

After attending an IEP meeting with a parent (that went AH-MAZING after super big struggles in the beginning) an Admin chased me into the parking lot asking me to train her staff to build IEPs with ease, I was hooked on helping teachers, too.

I've been fixing IEPs since 1996 and I can't wait to give you ALL my secret sauces and strategies so you can fix IEPs, too!

Join me on July 16th at 12pm EST and Get the Replay!